Construction of Sherpa Bhawan cum Sherpa Language and Cultural Research Centre

On the 1st of February, 2023, a momentous event took place in the capital city of Sikkim, Gangtok, as Shri Prem Singh Tamang, the Hon'ble Chief Minister of Sikkim, laid the foundation stone for Sherpa Bhawan cum Sherpa Language and Cultural Research Centre in immense presence of H.E. the Khen Rinpoche Dawa Gyaltshen Sherpa, a pioneering project aimed at preserving and promoting Sherpa culture and language.

Sherpa Bhawan is envisioned as an integrated multipurpose building that will span five and a half stories, covering a substantial area of 18,945 square feet, with a ground coverage of 3,563 square feet. This facility will serve as a cultural and research center dedicated to the Sherpa community. 

The journey towards establishing Sherpa Bhawan has been long and arduous. The demand for such a facility was initiated by the Denzong Sherpa Association (DSA) years ago, with the aim of improving the welfare of the Sikkimese Sherpa community. Over the years, the DSA continued to advocate for a suitable location for Sherpa Bhawan in the capital city, Gangtok, but their efforts remained unfulfilled until 2022. 

In the transformative year 2022, the DSA executive committee had a fortuitous meeting with Hon'ble Chief Minister Shri Prem Singh Tamang, who promptly directed the Urban Development Department (UDD) to identify an appropriate location within Gangtok for the construction of Sherpa Bhawan. The UDD, in collaboration with the DSA, identified a suitable plot in Lumsey. 

Finally, after a 40-year-long wait, the Sherpa community's persistent demand has been fulfilled in the year 2022, under the presidentship of Shri Dorjee Sherpa Pinasa. Shri Pinasa's unwavering dedication and commitment to this cause have been instrumental in turning this dream into a reality. 

This achievement has brought immense joy and relief to the Sikkimese Sherpa Tribal Community. Sherpa people are filled with gratitude towards the Hon'ble Chief Minister of Sikkim, Shri Prem Singh Tamang (Golay) for his lovely gift to the Sherpa People,  all the Cabinet Ministers for their support and the Hon'ble Minister Shri M. N. Sherpa who played a pivotal role in making Sherpa Bhawan a reality. The Sherpa community recognizes and appreciates the significant support and efforts made by the State Government to address their longstanding demand for a dedicated cultural and research center. This facility will not only serve as a cultural hub for the Sherpa community but also contribute to the preservation and promotion of Sherpa culture and heritage for generations to come.